Sunday, June 15, 2014


Hello and welcome to the blog. The title pretty much sums up what this is all about. Just say no... Or, say know. To drugs, that is. No matter what the government and law enforcement tries to do to regulate or restrict people's consumption of various substances, people will always do them. Whenever the cats expose their claws, the mice find new places to hide. Yes, drugs are bad. But knowing human beings will never stop them, the best thing we as a society can do is try to educate the population about the nature of these substances. By informing people as best as possible, hopefully it will encourage people to just say no when offered to try drugs. Or, if they are going to use them, to say know--knowing about the effects and what to expect with the multitude of chemicals out there can greatly reduce the negative impact they have on society and its individuals. In this blog, you will find all kinds of information that most would consider to be borderline-taboo : from scientific facts about the substances to 'trip reports' of individual user's experiences, warnings about potential side effects and the damage drugs can and do cause, alongside the benefits they bring to people physically, mentally, recreationally, emotionally, and spiritually; even how-to guides for using the drugs, you'll find it here. It's all in the spirit of harm reduction-to minimize the negative impact of these chemicals by spreading awareness about all aspects of , well, drugs.

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